Wheel Color Picker 1.2 is Out!

Despite the two months age of the Wheel Color Picker plugin since its first debut, it is already used in various websites across countries. Therefore I am happy to announce the new release of jQuery Wheel Color Picker plugin! This new version adds some new exciting features and fixes:

  • Setting preset value is now supported. This can be achieved either by setting “value” attribute to inputs (e.g. < input class=”colorpicker” value=”FF0000″ />) or adding “color” option when initializing (e.g. $(‘.colorpicker’).wheelColorPicker({ color: “FF0000” }); ).
  • Added “rgb%” (i.e. rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)) and “rgba%” (i.e. rgba(100%, 100%, 100%, 1) ) color formats.
  • The color picker now supports alpha value. If you set color format option to “rgba” or “rgba%”, the color picker dialog will come up with additional alpha slider on the right.
  • Fixed a bug that giving undefined reference to rselectedColor error when using rgba format.

Grab the package while it’s hot directly from http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.wheelcolorpicker-1.2.0.zip

For an online demonstration and documentation, please visit http://www.jar2.net/projects/jquery-wheelcolorpicker/demo.

There are still things to do to improve this plugin, such as adding HSL color format support, advanced color picker and so on. Let’s look forward to have more new useful features implemented on the next release.